For your convenience, we have provided a list of frequently asked questions below discussing issues that typically come up during initial consultation.
In high school I was introduced to the history and techniques of Collage making. Since then I have remained fascinated by the art form and have never stopped making Collages. My teenage friends had diaries to write in. I was afraid that someone could find and read my stories. One could say, Collages are my diary, each an entry of expression.
I studied Visual Art at the University of Cologne, Germany. While there I explored many artistic techniques, of course, but always continued with Collage making. To this day, I enjoy exploring and creating art using new and different techniques and media but Collage remains my true and favorite medium of artistic expression.
Fun facts:
When trusted with commissioned work, I like to put all my creative thoughts and energy into one project at a time. Updates on the progress and open communication about arising issues are extremely important to me to have an outcome that not only makes the customer but also me happy. My last commissioned project was a mural in a private family home (see photos). I was very accurate upfront about the timeline, style and pricing. My customers honored me with trust in many ways. I had free access to the mural at all times which was very beneficial for the outcome of the mural, because I prefer to be alone while working. I also value the input of others, which leads to good and regular open and honest conversations. Making sure we are on the same track is important to me.
Yes, I do take commercial orders.
Yes, I would give an Interview to the Media.
At this point, this would not be a good fit for me.
Please contact me for information regarding high quality prints and commissioned work.
Asheville, North Carolina Mixed Media Artist